Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Have Car Will Travel

We left the hotel after heartfelt goodbyes to our new friends and Dublin. 

We picked up a car in Dublin and jammed in all of our bags and bodies.  It was something to behold and no one died of asphyxiation.  Vince figured out how to drive on the "other" side of the road (the devil's side!).  Jim swore again and again that he would never drive on that side of the road himself.  

We made our way down the windy roads that don't seem wide enough for 2 cars to pass. But pass we did. We stopped in a town called Shillelagh where Vince and Colleen bought 2 walking sticks that we plan on using in our dotage.

While looking for Shillelagh, we encountered a wonderful lady, who stopped us on a side road to ask if she could help us. Her name was Carmela O'Dougherty.  She asked us in  for tea, offered us apples, and then gave us plums, after we declined her offer of tea for 20 minutes.  She lives in the former manager's office of the Fitzwilliam estate. This large estate, was recently in the news as a place where many famine refugees left for New Brunswick from. Two days before our arrival there, 80 Canadians were welcomed back to the estate in Wicklow to see the area that their ancestors left during the famine.    
Jim and Colleen in Carmela's yard
We had had a fantastic pub lunch in Rathdrum.  We had to speed to get to Waterford before it closed.  One never has too much Waterford crystal. When we walked in,  the lady at the reception desk looked at us and said "we close in 20 minutes". When we got to the desk with our purchases, 15 minutes later,  she said "you are very efficient shoppers.  I would have been 2 hours".


Off to our B &B, an old structure called the Old Presbytery .  We had a fantastic seafood supper in a restaurant called the White House.  Jim had the biggest plate of seafood you could imagine. He said it was excellent.
Jim's Seafood Platter

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