Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Kenmare and the Ring of Kerry

We leave Kinsale, Cork and get back on the road for Kenmare, Kerry.  On the road, through the bucolic pastoral scenes, we encounter Kerry cows in almost every field.  These are the cows that are responsible for the fabulous butter from this region.  We learned from Don, our guide in Kinsale, that Kerry butter used to be packed in firkins (small barrels) and sent to New York.  We had this butter every morning with our breakfast.

Kerry Cows
We found Kenmare, dropped some laundry off at the launderette and headed off for the Ring of Kerry.  Our first stop at an ancient ringed fort, named Staigue Ringed Fort, an Iron age fort.  300 to 400 A.D.  
We drove along the windy road, stopping here and there, dodging buses and cars.  The sites were amazing. 

We stopped at a beach to watch and listen to the surf.

More windy roads, more vistas, more much can there be? This is what is called a "famine house".  Structures that were abandoned during the famine, that remain in the fields.

One surprise was a chocolate factory that was on the side of the road.  Why the heck would anyone build a chocolate factory out there?  Because it has gamillions of people driving by every year!  Best sign ever in a chocolate factory!

Back to Kenmare and our B & B and quickly walked back to the town for a nice dinner. Top notch!

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